
Abacus Wealth International

Learn How Abacus Wealth International Can Help You Achieve A Long-Term Wealth Strategy


At Abacus Wealth International (AWI), our objective is to build a relationship of trust, with a commitment to provide competent and professional financial guidance based on experience, ethical values, and excellence.


Abacus Wealth International adheres to rule 204A-1 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”) and the Board of Certified Financial Planner’s ® Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct that requires CFP® professionals to uphold the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness and confidentiality. We make a commitment to put our clients’ interests first at all times, when providing financial advice.

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Estate Planning For Expats

About Joel Barretto, CFP®

Joel Barretto, CFP® started his financial planning career with IDS American Express in 1991. He founded Abacus Financial Network (AFN), an independent boutique financial advisory firm in Irvine, California, U.S.A. in 1999, and earned his Certified Financial Planner™ designation in 2005.

After a short respite in the Philippines, Joel realized the necessity for competent and ethical cross-border wealth management solutions for Americans living abroad and high net worth individual and institutions in the Asia Pacific region. It was then that Joel decided to make it his mission to help Americans living abroad.

Today, Joel Barretto, CFP ® is the principal cross border wealth manager for Abacus Wealth International (AWI), a fee-based California Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) fiduciary, specializing in cross-border investment optimization, tax savings, retirement planning, and estate preservation for American taxpayers living abroad and high net worth multi-national families and institutions in the eastern hemisphere.